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Film Production Schedule

9th Wave Rules (Spring 2024)

1.  First Film - 1 Day/Second Film - 2 Days

Your first film with the group is limited to a one day (12 hour) shoot.  If you have already made a film with the group then you get two days of shooting preferably one long weekend, but not required.​


2.  Rough Draft Submission

You must submit a rough draft of your script by April 7th to


3.  Pre Production Requirements

You will need to sign the Code of Conduct, and pay the Set Insurance of $100.


4.  Review Panel

You will need to meet with the Review Panel on the weekend of April 20th/21st.  We will discuss the specifics of your film to make sure it can be completed in the time given.  Your Set Insurance payment and signed Code of Conduct is due at this meeting. 


5.  Meet with your Casting Director

A returning director will be assigned as your Casting Director.  You will meet with your Casting Director.  They will help you fill out your  Casting Notice and discuss exactly what you need for your cast.  They can sit through the two weekends of casting for you and provide you with videos of everyone who auditioned for your film though you always have the option of casting for yourself.


6.  Callbacks

Once you have reviewed all of the audition tapes you will work with your Casting Director to schedule Callbacks.  You will pick a couple of actors for each role and then schedule a time to meet with all of the actors to play them off each other to determine the best fit for your cast.  You will need to schedule the Callbacks.  You can meet anywhere that is convenient to you but you can use the Studio if you want.  Just make sure the studio is available for the time you want.  Once you have done you Callbacks you will select you cast.  Final Cast Decisions must be made by June 29th.


7.  Responsible for all other production costs

All directors need to provide a mid shoot meal and snacks and drinks all shoot long.  Every director is also expected to pay for all the other costs of the production. Generally speaking that includes props, costumes, locations, special equipment, and special effects.  Our productions are usually very cheap that is the whole point of a collective, but you are still responsible for all production costs.



  • Sunday, April 7th - Rough Draft Submission

  • Saturday/Sunday, April 20th/21st - Meet with Review Panel

  • Sunday, May 4th - Main Casting Call

  • Saturday/Sunday May 18th/19th/25th/26th - Auditions

  • Saturday, June 29th - Casting Decision Deadline


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